Overture-Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) By Valérie Duchâteau www.valerieduchateau.com As its name indicates, an overture presupposes that there is a sequel: a symphony, an opera, an oratorio, etc. Unfortunately, this piece attributed to Silvius Leopold Weiss (and whose authenticity has been openly questioned) is, it seems, an orphan. In E major and 6/8, this overture has a timeless charm whose brevity of certain ascending motifs evokes the sweet sound of the harp (bars 3, 6, 21, etc.). Throughout its development, the composer achieves a real tour de force by making subtle borrowings here and there from neighboring keys. Between measures 42-43, 51-55 and 66-74 harmonic progressions are developed where the counterpoints create tensions of great beauty. From measure 75, the initial theme is re-exposed before giving way to a coda giving pride of place to the open strings.
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